Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Technology article 2


 They think that the apple apps that were once google maps have been getting people lost, and routed to the correct spot. They are trying to figure out if this is true or not, if so they need to fix it.

Apple Maps

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Technology Article

The article i read was on a device you plug into your mobile device called “Chat Perff.” ChatPerff is a device that gives out scents. A few years ago ChatPerff was a “bad idea” and was put in “america's worst idea vault.” Now they are trying to make it better and more advanced. They are trying to make a variety of different scents. Even Scents you wouldn’t even think of like, Your favorite musicians concert, or the outdoors. This is not yet finished but they are trying to.

Weebly QR Code


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project Wrap-up Assignment

      I liked Google Docs a lot, i thought it was very useful and easy to use. The thing i liked most about it was how it automatically saved its self every two seconds. I also liked how we could share it with people and see exactly what we were both doing. Google docs had a lot of similar programs i use a lot all right there so it was very handy to use. I also enjoyed how you could save everything that went together in one folder and  you could share the entire folder, that made it much easier for me to share my work with the teacher. There was not really anything i disliked about Google docs, it was very handy and i couldn't complain about it at all. I would choose Google Docs over anything to do a project.
      I really liked how my partner and me could work on our project together. I thought that was the easiest solution because if one of us seen that the other person made a mistake then we would tell them about it right there before they went to far and could fix it easily. I Don't think that Google Docs could really improve in any way, I think it is pretty usable and successful. I think if i had a little bit more time with my project i would've done better, but I think that we tried our best and it was pretty good. I just feel like I could of improved our presentation, but besides that it was good. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Technology Article

                                                          "The Rally Fighter"
       This $100,000 Race care was the first car to be designed by crowd sourcing. This car took 18 months to build, that is five times faster than through conventional process. The "Rally Fighter" has an orange paint job, with mounted horns on the front of car. The "rally Fighter" has a 6.2 liter engine eight cylinders, automatic transmission, rear-wheel steering and 430 horsepower. This design was chosen through a vote in 2009 in a community of hundreds of people. Local Motors stated that it took $3 million to develop the car. The car price is $99,000 included with a six-day stay at the Local Motors plant in Arizona to build the car. When somebody buys a rally car they don't get an assembled car they get a kit which includes a manual with detailed directions, wikis, and you-tube "Hot to" videos, with support of the Local Motors Experts.